
STEM Background

For over ten years I’ve integrated STEM topics and curriculum into my classes. This includes familiarizing students with a broad array of STEM approaches to problem solving. It also includes the introduction of STEM professions and how STEM related industries are solving some of the worlds biggest challenges.

STEM Endorsement from Graduate Degree Program

For the capstone project of my graduate degree STEM Endorsement, I created a unit on geological topics typically covered in middle school Earth Science and combined them with new topics being taught at high school level geology. This approach blended different levels of geo science fundamentals, engineering and real-world study applications. Highlights include:

  • Understanding Mohs hardness scale

  • Georgia, California, and Alaska’s gold rushes

  • Testing and creation of a working model for mineral identification

  • Mapping of mine locations with a high probability of gold

The use of NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and the accompanying three-dimensional learning process further built out the work:

  • Crosscutting Concepts

  • Science and Engineering Practices

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas

Below are selected excerpts of the unit created for this endorsement.